Alpha Quadra Duality (ENTP & ISFJ)

Sarah Wagner

This post is part of a series of transliterated articles and descriptions of Socionics Duality pairings. For ease of understanding I have chosen to use the most comparable MBTI type in the description in order to avoid the confusion between Socionics and MBTI terms.

ENTP (ENTp, ILE, Ne-Ti): This type is characterized by resourcefulness, an abundance of new ideas and interest in all things mysterious and unusual. His dreaminess, absent-mindedness, inattention, focus on the future, and triumph of interest over benefit do not make him a very practical and industrious partner. He needs understanding and tolerance. In extracting value from his projects or connections, he is looking for support of a diplomatic partner.

ENTP often feels a need in new experiences and changes, lack of which can cause lethargy and a craving for empty entertainment. In such cases, he may take hasty and imprudent actions, if he is not distracted in time with an interesting activity or proposition.

As with any irrational type, he has pronounced ups and downs of energy. In times of recession, his inertia should not cause resentment in his partner. He usually does not plan his activities for the near future, therefore he is quite disorganized and does not like to be controlled and scheduled. At rest, he is relaxed and compliant. But if he is pressured, displays tenacity and stubbornness, even aggression. He needs a lenient, flexible, tactful and considerate partner.

He is quite open and sociable. Democratic, tries to be on good terms with everyone, but can be too trusting. Shy to show his affection when he doubts that it will be reciprocated. Poor judge of character, doesn’t easily discern who might be his enemy. Shows courtesy, but sometimes he goes on the offense and defends somewhat inadequately. Needs timely clarifications from his partner regarding his relationships, where he stands with others.

The “key” to such an unusual person as ENTP is the ability to perceive, manage and direct his feelings and sensations. When he is anxious, relax him with jokes, calm him down, distract him; when he is in apathy — shake him up with sharp wit and biting sarcasm (without losing sense of tact and measure). Let him “wind up”, even leave slamming the door. When he comes back, interest him in something new, some interesting proposition or notion, to make clear that, although he is in disfavor, he is still loved and needed and wished well. It is also necessary to involve his senses with pleasing and harmonious sensations: loving touch, delicious food, pleasant music, comfortable conversation. He needs someone who would look after him, his health and his needs.

ISFJ (ISFp, SEI, Si-Fe): Also an irrational type, but this is the only thing that he shares in common with his dual. Both of them live going with the flow, surrendering themselves to opportunity and chance. In the rest, however, they are opposites.

ISFJ is a good diplomat, but as an introvert he is prone to shyness and hesitancy. He is cautious and constrained around new people, so prefers to negotiate on an informal basis, at home or in any other relaxed atmosphere. He feels more at ease interacting with a democratic, communicable partner, who is able to quickly bridge the psychological distance.

ISFJ is a master of “shuttle diplomacy”, a good mediator in dispute, pleasant and genial companion who inspires trust. Feels useful when he is near people who are awkward with relations, who provide for him an opportunity to show his abilities. Likes to give advice, when and what kind of initiative should be shown, how to take care of one’s health and appearance. Considerate and caring, but feels offended if he is not needed.

ISFJ lives in the real world, while his dual ENTP drifts in the clouds, thinking about distant goals. ISFJ is practical and realistic in everyday tasks. He takes care of matters of healthy lifestyle and recreation, solves household problems. He likes to enjoy nature, beautiful things, convenience, good food and knows how to please others with this. ENTP doesn’t devote enough of his attention to such things, but ISFJ doesn’t seek to re-educate his dual, and instead takes these responsibilities onto his shoulders.

He is able to create the desired emotional state to invigorate his dual. However, he is able to accomplish this with tact and without obvious pressuring. He is able to instill optimism in moments of depression, dispel his boredom, drag him out to see a concert or a show, and so on.

For the sake of good relations, ISFJ is able to jeopardize professional interests. He generally poorly discerns what benefits there are in any job, and feels happy if his dual can explain this clearly.

Though he is diligent and active in everyday chores and matters, ISFJ is often passive in major business endeavors. He needs a partner who would instill confidence in him, make him trust his own abilities and show where the opportunities lie. When he is inspired by his project, ISFJ tries to realize it with the help of his informal connections, and with this he renders ENTP a huge favor, who is usually inert in such matters. ISFJ needs a partner who can break up work into stages and set deadlines, and also took over the part of work that needs a more objective approach, such as knowing the instructions and regulations, etc.

ISFJ is usually not very farsighted. He may be too relaxed and carefree and underestimate or fail to notice upcoming troubles and imminent dangers. His partner needs to mobilize him in time and take the necessary precautions.

Terms of dualization:

Adapting to one’s dual takes time and the fulfillment of certain conditions. Initially, they attract each other with their role functions: ENTP — by being a self-assured, self-confident person, and ISFJ — by being an easy-going, somewhat reckless optimist, who seems to not have any problems. If there isn’t an appropriate situation where these roles can manifest, an interest in one another may not develop. Even if they have warmed up to one another, some patience and time is still required to understand and accept each other’s idiosyncrasies and peculiarities.

To achieve harmony within relations of this dyad the following conditions must be considered:
1. ENTP should not criticize the taste and measure of ISFJ and ISFJ — the theories and ideas of ENTP.
2. Distribute responsibilities so that ENTP takes care of issues of planning and economy, while ISFJ — of communication and relations.
3. Learn how to cover for each other’s weaknesses: ENTP — must show vision and foresight, and take on providing for the family; ISFJ — regulates the initiative of ENTP at critical moments, as well as smooths over and eliminates his faux pas and ethical mistakes.
4. Keep in mind some sexual peculiarities: Since ISFJ is an introvert, it is better for ENTP to take initiative in these matters. However, because ENTP is a logical type, it is difficult for him to understand the orientation and depth of his feelings. In this aspect he should be guided by ISFJ, such that he doesn’t experience doubts of their mutual love. So that their happiness is complete, ISFJ must be skillfully regulate and adjust the moods of his dual.

In this pair, the sensing type is ISFJ. Even if this is a woman, she should take the initiative for seduction. Since this type of people possesses most nuanced and subtle sensing, they can be artists even in love, and “rouse” even a completely detached, hovering in the clouds ENTP.

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